GAMA Healthcare Ltd
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Knowledge base
Frequently Asked Questions
General Queries
Are your products tested on animals or vegan friendly?
What are your policies around using sustainable materials?
Where can I find an SDS for your products?
Why is it important to clean in addition to disinfecting?
I would like to work for GAMA - are you recruiting?
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Contiplan Range
What does the paraffin in the wipes do?
Is the silicone in your Contiplan wipes safe on skin?
Can I use Contiplan on neonates or children?
Does Contiplan help reduce IAD?
Coronavirus Questions
Do you have any information relating to the efficacy of Clinell Universal or PAA wipes?
Are Clinell products effective against coronavirus?
Do Clinell Universal Wipes comply with UK national guidance about COVID-19?
Are Clinell Universal Wipes effective against different variants of the Coronavirus?
Is the antimicrobial hand wipe effective against COVID-19?
Clinell Universal Range
Is the Universal spray effective against COVID-19?
Are Clinell Universal Wipes effective against the different variants of COVID?
Are Clinell Universal Wipes effective as they do not contain alcohol?
Why is the product referred to as a 'Universal' wipe?
Does the wipe retain some of the disinfectant?
View all 21
Clinell Detergent Range
What are the caution statements associated with the Clinell Detergent Wipes?
What products does the Detergent wipe replace?
What are the advantages of using this product over other detergent wipes?
Do I need to wear gloves when using this product?
Are the Clinell Detergent wipes CE Marked?
Peracetic Acid (Sporicidal) Wipes
What is the shelf life of Clinell PAA (Sporicidal) Wipes?
Why are the PAA (Sporicidal) wipes dry?
Are you able to provide evidence of the effectiveness of Clinell PAA (Sporicidal) Wipes against the spores of Clostridium difficile?
Do these wipes contain Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QUATS)?
Are the Clinell PAA Wipes compatible with PC/ABS material?
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2% Chlorhexidine in 70% alcohol Wipes
What is the difference between the 2% Chlorhexidine/70% Alcohol Skin Wipe and Medical Device Wipe?
What are the active ingredients of chlorhexidine skin wipes?
What are the active ingredients of chlorhexidine skin wipes?
Are your Chlorhexidine 2% wipes sterile?
Carell Bedbath Range
Can the Clinell Bedbath clothes be warmed before use?
What are the caution statements associated with the Carell Bedbath products?
Rediroom Isolation Room
How does the airflow in a RediRoom work?
Can RediRoom be used without electricity?
What is the RediRoom canopy made of?
What the internal dimensions of a RediRoom?
For Rediroom, how many air changes are there?
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Rediair Air Filtration Unit
How many air changes can a Rediair unit provide?
Does Rediair require external ventilation?
How does Rediair work?
What filters are used in Rediair?
What is the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) for Rediair in all modes?
View all 11
Biodegradable Wipe
What are Clinell Biodegradable Surface Wipes?
What are Clinell Biodegradable Surface Wipes made from?
Why aren’t all Clinell Wipes plastic-free?
What does “number 1 hospital brand” mean?
What does biodegradable mean?
View all 15
Biodegradable Hand & Surface Wipes
What are Clinell Biodegradable Hand & Surface Wipes?
What does biodegradable mean?
Are Clinell Biodegradable Hand & Surface Wipes effective against COVID-19?
What are the benefits of plastic-free wipes?
How many wipes are in one canister of Clinell Biodegradable Hand & Surface Wipes?
View all 13
Universal Range
Why is the product referred to as a Universal Wipe?
Can I use Clinell Universal Wipes on my hands?
Do Clinell Universal Wipes contain phenols?
How long do Universal wipes (flow wrap) remain effective for once opened?
Can Clinell Wipes be used in food preparation areas?
View all 14