Clinell Universal Wipes have been proven effective against the exact strain of coronavirus that causes COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) in 30 seconds. They've been tested according to the EN14476 test method by an accredited, third-party laboratory.

Clinell Antimicrobial Hand Wipes are based on a very similar formulation and are proven effective against 99.99% of viruses within 30 seconds.

The regulations surrounding hand hygiene products and surface hygiene products are each a little different. For surface disinfectant products, like Clinell Universal, we’re able to get our products tested against individual organisms and share those results publicly.

For non-medicinal hand hygiene products (like Clinell Antimicrobial Hand Wipes), the MHRA (the agency that regulates medicines and healthcare products in the UK) allows manufacturers to make ‘generic’ claims about how effective they are against different microorganisms. That means that we can’t publicly share data for any individual virus, but we can confirm that Clinell Antimicrobial Hand Wipes are effective against 99.99% of viruses.