With regards to the Clinell Universal Wipes (in the green and white packaging), no direct toxicological studies have been undertaken with pregnant women. However, a general toxicology risk assessment has been undertaken, and found that this product is unlikely to cause significant dermal irritation, sensitisation or delayed hypersensitivity.

Due to the lack of clinical evidence and studies carried out directly in relation to pregnant women, we would not be able to definitively confirm that the wipes are suitable or safe for use during pregnancy, but would advise the use of the wipes in accordance with the Instructions For Use (IFU) and under the cautions listed on the product’s primary packaging.

A local risk assessment can be carried out using the information contained in the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the intended product.

All of our Safety Data Sheets (SDS) can be found via our products page - please click here to select your product first, and then select 'Resources' underneath the product information text to find a PDF copy which you can view and download a PDF copy:

For our Universal products, you will need to first select the product line, then click on the product code on the right hand side of the column - from here, you will find the "Resources" tab where you can find the individual SDS for each Universal product.